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With planning, people with epilepsy can have safe, healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.

The Epilepsy & Pregnancy Medical Consortium (EPMC) is dedicated to empowering people with epilepsy of childbearing age to advocate for their own care and helping clinicians to successfully meet the needs of their patients with epilepsy. In a single, reliable resource, we are unifying, standardizing, and clarifying the information available around pregnancy and epilepsy. This includes giving doctors the knowledge and guidance to make informed decisions about pregnancy care, while promoting the best possible health outcomes for both their patients and their patients' children. The information provided addresses all aspects of pregnancy care, from contraception to prenatal planning, to breastfeeding and postpartum care, and considers the needs of both people with epilepsy and their children.

The Epilepsy & Pregnancy Medical Consortium

The EPMC is made up of leaders in the field of epilepsy and reproductive health who came together to create a comprehensive knowledge hub, providing people with epilepsy and their doctors access to accurate, up-to-date data from recent research and studies including pregnancy registries around the world and the groundbreaking Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs study (NEAD) and the recent Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs study (MONEAD). Consolidating the latest data, proven practices, and expert insights, this information will help you navigate the complexities of epilepsy and pregnancy and show that with planning those with epilepsy can get pregnant and deliver healthy babies.

Meet the EPMC